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70 AD - Emperor Vespasian started working on the Colosseum


80 AD - The Colosseum opened


82 AD- The building work of the Colosseum is completed


107 AD - Emperor Trajan has 10,000 gladiators fight in one set of games


110 AD - The Romans killed their first Christian in the Colosseum


200 AD - Women gladiators were banned from fighting in the Colosseum


217 AD - The Colosseum was struck by lightning and was mostly destroyed


222 AD - Emperor Severus repairs the Colosseum


230 AD - Emperor Severus added fourth storey to the Colosseum


250 AD - The Colosseum was struck by lightning again and is repaired by Emperor Decius


262 AD - The Colosseum was hit by an earthquake


Late 4th Century - Became very difficult to put on expensive games in the Colosseum


404 AD - Christian Emperor Honorius stopped gladiator games


410 AD - During the Visigoths war the Colosseum was abandoned and was used as a cemetery


429 AD - Another earthquake hits Rome and repairs are made to the Colosseum


438 AD - Christian Emperor Valentinian banned gladiator games forever


484 AD - Decius Marius Venantius paid to rebuild the Colosseum after an earthquake had destroyed it


523 AD - The last animal hunt in the Colosseum was played


6th Century to 9th Century - The Colosseum was abandoned again


847 AD - The southern wall of the Colosseum collapsed due to an earthquake


9th Century to 13th Century - Development of residences begins in the Colosseum


15th Century to 18th Century - People start taking cartloads of stone from the Colosseum to build palaces and churches


1750 AD - Pope Benedict XIV forbidded people from going into the Colosseum and restoration starts


1798 AD - The French occupants had a project that the Colosseum was to become part of a huge archaeological park including the whole centre of Rome


1800 AD to 1853 AD - During these years two abutments of brick are made to reinforce the sides of the facade


1930 AD - A backdrop is made for parades


1940 AD - The metro works cut out the foundations


Until Present - The Colosseum has become one of the most visited tourist attractions in Rome and has thousands of people visit everyday




8:30am - 1 Hour before sunset


8:30am - 1 Hour before sunset



Piazza del Colosseo, 1, 00184 Roma, Italy


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